24 Aprile 2024


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rapporto conflittuale tra cibo e corsa....
10-11-2011, 19:14
CALORIA: trattasi dell´unita´ di misurazione dell´energia TERMICA
Il nostro organismo, per regolare l´energia termica e di conseguenza la temperatura corporea, utilizza vari modi: il metabolismo, la tiroide..
NON dipende solo dalle calorie dei cibi che assume !
Le "calorie" variano e di molto, se vengono "dedotte" dal cibo crudo o cotto piu´ o meno !
Le "calorie", ci dicono gli "specialisti", pr...ovengono soprattutto dai cibi a base di proteine animali e specie dai grassi animali !
Quando si dice: "occorre bruciare calorie" questa affermazione e´ una affermazione errata, perche´ NON si possono bruciare le "unita´ di energia termica", ma si possono "bruciare" cioe´ metabolizzare=trasformare le proteine e/o i grassi in eccesso, per mezzo del Metabolismo.
Non sono le calorie dei cibi da controllare, ma occorre controllare il buon funzionamento del Metabolismo affinche´ possa bruciare una quantita´ utile e sufficiente di sostanze ingerite in modo da manifestare salute e "linea".
RE: rapporto conflittuale tra cibo e corsa....
11-01-2012, 23:06
Me dull. You smart. That´s just what I neeedd.
10-08-2013, 05:57
That´s a hard question! I guess diet! Because let´s say you eat dontus and pie all day everyday and have just 1 apple a month but you still exercise it´s not gonna help a lot! Since you just add more weight into you while exercising! Hoped I Helped! Good Luck!References :
12-08-2013, 19:11
Hello,I just uploaded your Extended Version of WordPress Easy Restautant Menu Manager pligun. I created a new menu, added a few items, and then copy and pasted [WP_Restaurant_Menu id="3"] to the page I wanted the items displayed. However, only the description of the menu is displayed, and none of the items show up. How do I make the items show up?I thought it would be much easier to use for a premium pligun..
12-08-2013, 20:27
Hey Richard Gardella,You will have to work with whatever mbiloe framework you are using in order to get the column width changes. The plugin tries to be as generic as possible but you will still need to make some CSS adjustments. For grabbing a menu from another site, you could start with the unstyled content provided from the print like and try to embed it.
RE: rapporto conflittuale tra cibo e corsa....
11-02-2014, 12:23
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RE: rapporto conflittuale tra cibo e corsa....
11-02-2014, 12:56
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RE: rapporto conflittuale tra cibo e corsa....
11-02-2014, 12:57
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RE: rapporto conflittuale tra cibo e corsa....
06-03-2014, 07:31
If your driver´s license or that of a covered house�holder is cancelled. The insurance QuotesChimp keeps a constant watch on the driving records of its in�sureds. If you or a covered member of your household has their license suspended or revoked, your company may follow suit with your insurance coverage.
RE: rapporto conflittuale tra cibo e corsa....
06-03-2014, 08:16
Disregard the threat. QuotesChimp technique requires performing nothing to make an effort to cut the impacts of the threat in your whole life. For instance, in the event you light up, make no attempt to manage your own food regimen, and don´t workout, you´re essentially dismissing the danger of passing from heart condition. You can find monetary methods for dismissing the threat at the same time picking to not obtain a life assurance and selecing never to conserve adequate funds for your own household to handle disbursement.
RE: rapporto conflittuale tra cibo e corsa....
06-03-2014, 08:17
Once your class has been determined, then, the insurance Quotes Chimp will determine whether you have a greater risk of loss, an average risk of loss, or a lower risk of loss compared to an average member of the class. To state the obvious, insurance companies love to land those with statistically low risks as policyholders, since the likelihood that they will have to shell out insurance benefits is then greatly reduced.

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